Student Solution


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Operations Management-Assignment 4

Operations Management-Assignment 4

Q Read the Midwest Hospital case available in this week’s LibGuide. Answer these questions about the case: • Which of the three issues Dr. Davis is taking to the Management Committee are procedural decisions and which are policy decisions? Be sure to explain your answer. • Write policy statements for those of Dr. Davis’ issues that pertain to policies and write procedures for those issues that pertain to decisions that are procedural.

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In the Midwest Hospital Case Study; Dr. Davis has practiced medicine in diverse places which made him a great fit for his current position. Dr. Davis is a great advocate for his team and seems to be a servant leader, who is liked by his team. He is sensitive to their needs as people but also firm to ensure the team still meets the goals that are needed. Dr. Davis would meet with his management team once a week to discuss issues and policies that needed attention in the clinic and urgent care. The current issue at hand is that the clinic is fully staffed for regular clinic hours but wait times and lack of experience and ability to care for what should be a simple task would be referred to the clinic and back up the clinic during the day for other issues that had appointments to be addressed.